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Trauma Risk Incident Management (TRiM)

TRiM is a recognised proactive approach and response to individuals and groups who experience traumatic events.

Supported by evidence-based practice, a TRiM engagement seeks to identify individual/s that would benefit from additional wellbeing support following their exposure to trauma. Many people will engage successfully with informal post-event support (such as talking things over with family and friends) however others, may benefit from more formal wellbeing interventions to avoid them developing poor mental health and mental health illnesses..

A qualified TRiM Practitioner will seek to have two empathetic and structured conversations with the person that has experienced the trauma. The first, 72 hours after the experience (individually approximately 45 minutes or as a group of near-identical event experiences, approximately 1-1.5 hours) and the second, one month later (individually, approximately 10 minutes each).

The ultimate aim following both conversations, is to identify those who appear at increased risk of developing psychological challenges in the longer term. Subsequent early referrals to professional help are evidenced to promote effective ‘return to function’ for those suffering with persistent and impairing levels of distress.

Traumatic Events:

TRiM Overview: March On Stress


A TRiM Practitioner or TRiM Manager may also deliver a TRiM Incident Briefing – TiB;  (10-15 minutes) soon after the event. The TiB would be advertised in advance with details of the duration and purpose.

A TiB would be used to communicate factual information about the event to dispel rumours, provide educational information about normal reactions to traumatic events and signpost to additional support for those or others that need it.

A TiB gives aims to give an opportunity to share information with those who may be vulnerable, but that have not otherwise been identified as vulnerable.



'At Risk' Identifiers:

Enlist Our Services

Email [email protected] or call 0800 98 87 321 to discuss your TRiM, Suicide Prevention/Postvention, Mental Health and First Aid requirements.

We are happy to help and advise. 

About the Instructors